The Reason for Absence

Hello readers. Those of you who’ve been following me for a while, may have noticed I completely fell off my goal of multiple posts every week. I’ve listed reasons for breaks before, even gone so far as to issue sweeping proclamations about coming posts and series I’d be doing on here. Alas, everything hasn’t worked out.

So why has this time actually been a good thing? Well let’s just say I’ve had some major changes come up.

For starters, I had hit a wall nearly 2/3 of the way into the second novel in my series. I didn’t like where the story was going, I thought the characters were falling apart in all the wrong ways, and I honestly just needed a break. I had lost sight of what made the story good originally. So I shelved it.

While that was shelved though, I got to work revising my Zelda novel, The Era Without A Hero. As I mentioned before, it’s getting featured over on Zelda Dungeon as an ongoing Fan Fiction Friday series. In addition to that though, I’ve begun a podcast version of it, sort of like an audio book. As you might imagine, this is taking up a lot of time. However, it’s totally worth it and seems to be going over really well.

That brings me back to my ongoing novel series. With it collecting dust on the shelf because I didn’t know how to fix it, I unknowingly stumbled upon the perfect solution a few weeks back. I’ve been busy outlining how to change it, how to adapt my characters to the new story, and how everything I already have can work with it. I’m really excited about it, but don’t want to share too much just yet.

Lastly, that brings me to this blog. I wanted to use it to share my beliefs on storytelling, how I created my tales, and occasionally a story (like last October). Going forward though, the emphasis of this site will be to share short stories that I write. I’d like to get one a month, but if I’m really inspired I’ll try to share two. Some may be connected to either The Iron Chronicles or The Era Without A Hero, others might be completely standalone. I’ve thought about adapting one of the short horror stories from last October into a longer series, but we’ll have to wait and see.

With that, I’d like to thank everybody who’s been helping me get my projects off the ground. It means so much to have your support.

Thanks for reading, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you soon.

The Trouble With Endings

My goal was to finish the edits for Eagle Down by the end of February, and have the book published in March. I’m pleased to say that I’m on pace for my goal, though the publication date may end up towards the end of March.

Despite this success, I am troubled by the ending. Not so much the way that the first book ends, but thinking about the full story at the same time.

In these edits, I’ve added a few scenes to help tie in the larger story that I’m trying to tell. Not in the George Lucas adding stuff to the Original Trilogy sort of way, but things that needed to be added to make certain parts of the story possible in the future. In doing so though, I’ve constantly had to check back on what I’ve done and said before.

My story bible isn’t as filled out as it should be either. To be fair, when I started this book I didn’t know what that even was, so it was started somewhat retrospectively. There’s been times when I thought about going back and cleaning it up and compiling everything in a better way, but then I tell myself that I need to just write the story. That being said, it’s something I am to do a better job with as the books continue on, and would recommend all writers do.

The real issue with my ending though, is making sure that everything that needs setting up, is set up properly. The entire basis for Phoenix Launch at the start is dependent on the ending of Eagle Down. The start of book 2, as would seem natural, picks up directly after the events of book 1. But in order for that to make sense, all the dominos have to be lined up perfectly.

Ironically, this post itself has suffered from a bit of an ending paradox. For over a week now, I’ve been trying to think of how to wrap this up. But the problem has been I’m just not sure. There have been some major developments with my writing career that are contributing to my lack of posting here. These are good things though, fantastic actually. With that in mind, I’m going to admit that my posts are going to be more sparse. I will continue to work on my books though, and they will be out soon.

When I have specific news, I will be providing updates. In the meantime, please make sure you keep up with my Zelda content that is coming out regularly. There’s a big announcement coming out tomorrow about the future of that story, so stay tuned!

Thank you for reading!

Telling the Epic

There’s a wide variety of stories that can be told in the world. One of the biggest and oldest though, is the struggle of good versus evil, or darkness versus light. Some of the greatest stories ever told revolve around this concept, primarily because it’s the most basic struggle in the universe, regardless of your belief system.

For those of you who don’t know, I’m a pretty big fan of the Kingdom Hearts games (thanks in large part to my wife being an even bigger fan). I just played through the most recent game in the series and it helped to tie up so many small parts of the rather complicated story. In short, the story revolves around a struggle between the light and darkness within the hearts of people. Forgive the oversimplification of it, but this isn’t an analysis of those games.

How does this pertain to my writing? Simple. The struggle between good and evil, light and dark, no matter how I try to change it, is the basic premise of my most successful tales.

Now I’m not trying to over simplify my books or stories, not do I want to spoil anything for readers, so I’ll try to be vague on specific events. In Eagle Down, there are two major struggles that make up the story: the quest to get home and the quest to stop the Scarlet Flag. As the tale evolves, we get the impression that there maybe more at play behind the scenes, mostly thanks to a scene in the tunnels below the Kocrean town of Splintershire. In Phoenix Launch, this shift becomes a lot more evident. While the plot line of getting home is still relevant for some characters, this concept of darkness versus light takes the front seat.

I don’t have a title yet for the third book, but I do have a general idea for how this main story will wrap up. The goal of getting home is essentially going to be lost at this point, and the Scarlet Flag will have turned into a nuisance more than a major threat. By Book III, the story will be purely focused on good versus evil, and the characters that are still around will reflect that.

This is where the concept of telling the epic gets interesting. How will Lindsey, Darren, Axel, Ewan, and the others have changed? At the start of Phoenix Launch, Darren shows some of the biggest changes. This isn’t a major spoiler, but throughout Eagle Down, he is depicted as a strong and quiet leader. But after the events of Book I, he is radically changed and must rely on some of the other characters to come around and rebuild him into who he is intended to be. Ewan, likewise, will endure some devastating changes from Book II to Book III.

When I think about some of the great epic tales and their characters, many of them undergo dramatic character changes. The worlds they inhabit also change. How these changes occur, help tell the full story. With this story of good versus evil specifically, I’m anxious to see just how much change these worlds and characters are going to endure.

This post felt a little off topic, but it was more about just wanting to talk about the story, as opposed to just empty updates. That being said, talking about this tale as an epic hopefully helps to give some direction as to an overall genre.

As always, thank you for reading!

News and a Review of ‘Another Kingdom’

Some quick news, then a brief review of one of my favorite podcasts out there!

The news, the prologue for The Era Without a Hero is now available for your reading pleasure! Head on over to my Zelda blog by following this link (ha… ha…) and give it a read. The first chapter in the real part of the story will go live in about a month, with chapters scheduled to come out once a month for the rest of the year. Meanwhile, Eagle Down is making slow but steady progress, and the date is going to be here soon. Remember, the goal is end of March, and I think we’re still on pace!

Okay, so I listen to a lot of podcasts. Like a lot. Currently, I have two horror themed shows, two political commentary shows, two Super Smash Brother’s shows, three or four shows on writing, and a few other random ones that I really enjoy. So yeah, I like podcasts. That being said, there’s a few that are essentially audio dramas or audiobooks. One of these, is by a pretty amazing writer and man by the name of Andrew Klavan. He is an author and culture commentator. He has his own podcast, The Andrew Klavan Show, but also writes the story called Another Kingdom. It’s getting a physical release in early march (check out the preorder on Amazon here), but before it was done as a book, it was a podcast.

The story is about Austin Lively, a screenwriter that’s almost completely washed out. Suddenly though, after passing through a mysterious door, he is transported away from his drab LA life to the feudal and fantastical land of Galiana. Before he even knows where he is, he is standing over a beautiful but dead woman, and he is the one holding the blood soaked dagger. Austin attempts to flee, is captured, and then is thrown in prison. When every outcome appears bleak and dire, he is transported back to Los Angeles. As Austin begins to seek out answers to the mysterious kingdom, he soon discovers he is not alone in his search. With no control over when or where he is thrown back and forth between worlds, dodging dangers on both sides. Austin’s life is turned upside down with magic, murder, political struggles, and the question of what is reality burning at both ends.

The podcast is narrated by Michael Knowles, who does a phenomenal job of bringing Klavan’s characters and story to life. It is fast paced, mysterious, and filled with memorable characters, locations, and edge of your seat action sequences. Blending our modern world with a somewhat noir crime thriller on one side, and a King Arthur-esq fantasy land and quest on the other, Another Kingdom is grade A piece of storytelling that is an absolute must listen to. The best part of the first season, is that the second season is already out as well. So binge away my readers, and defiantly give it a listen!

That’s all for this week! Remember, head over to my Zelda blog and give the prologue of The Era Without a Hero a read, review, and share!

Thanks for reading!

What Happened?

Well here we are. Almost two weeks into 2019, and I have no idea what to write about for my blog. Yes, I talked about wanting to spice things up and talk about some reviews and talk about how excited I am to be getting ready to publish, and all that stuff. But the truth is, I’m really tired! Now, that could be because I’m frustratingly overwhelmed at my day job, could be from the constant dive into the competitive world of Super Smash Brothers Ultimate on the Switch, could be that for the past couple weeks my son has decided that sleeping in wasn’t going to happen for him, thus cutting into my writing time. Anything really, could be causing it.

I am not complaining though. Merely expressing that being a writer is difficult. I said that one of my goals for 2019 was to write for 20 minutes a day, and I’ve only missed a few days here and there. I’m pleased with that. I’m disappointed though that I haven’t been able to put forth the same level of success with my blog. I’m at the point where I can put out the first chapter of The Era Without a Hero over on my Zelda blog, but I’m also trying to stay about two chapters ahead with that project, while also editing Phoenix Down so that I can get it out before March is over. It’s a tall task, and naturally that means that something is going to take a bit of a hit.

So here’s the plan for January. I am going to post again on here, likely going to be some sort of review for a couple of podcasts I’m a fan of. I’m going to post the Prologue to The Era Without a Hero right here by the end of next week. I’m looking into opening a Patreon account so that fans can reach out to me and offer their support towards my writing. I haven’t decided what sort of rewards there will be yet, but I’ll think of something. More to come on that. And finally, I’m going to encourage anybody that reads this to check out my twitter feed. I can be found @davewayne09 and any announcements pertaining to my upcoming books will be found there! I update that far more often than I update this, so it will always be more up to date.

Thank you to everybody that reads my blog, and to everyone looking forward to the first entry in The Iron Chronicles.


Year’s End

I promised that I would squeeze in two posts before the year was over, and this is me keeping that promise. I have talked about my plans for 2019, but I don’t know for certain what will come. So while plans are great, I’m going to give a brief list of what I hope to achieve in the coming 12 months!

  1. Publish Eagle Down by the end of March.
  2. Complete the first draft of Phoenix Launch sometime in September.
  3. Revise and publish the first half of The Era Without a Hero on my Zelda blog.
  4. Write for at least 20-minutes every day, no matter what.
  5. Create more frequent content for the blog (including reviews, previews of my work, and overall more posts).

Those are my biggest goals as a writer for the next year. If I can hold to those, I will be thrilled! Not only that, but it means you all will get two stories from me within the next couple months.

Regarding my Zelda story: this piece of work was my first completed novel. It was long, it was a task, but I love that story so much. When I finished it, I immediately started work on The Iron Chronicles and took virtually no time off. I had accepted the fact that I could never publish it and earn anything from it, because I frankly don’t have any rights to do so. However, for 5-years worth of work to sit on a shelf and collect dust seemed wrong. That’s why I’m bringing the story back and sharing it for free. It’s a tale that I care deeply about, and want fans of the game series to be able to explore. My biggest complaint with the most recent entry (Breath of the Wild) was that the massive world had no content. This story began long before that game was even announced, yet captures what I think is the same essence and can fill that void land with a story that’s compelling and exciting.

I have shared snippets of my stories on here, and even full works like my short stories. However, I have something very special to share with you all. The prologue to The Era Without a Hero is a unique portion of the story that was thought up when I originally planned it as its own video game. I envisioned the player interacting with this island cave as a sort of menu where they could select the main story, minigames, an online mode, and eventually DLC. However, when the game concept was abandoned in favor of simply writing it as a novel, I kept this setting as a way of putting the reader in the right mindset. Today, I’m sharing with you that prologue. When I publish the first chapter on my Zelda blog, located here, the prologue will also be available. The hope is that I can post one chapter per month in 2019, which will lead me to the halfway point of the story.

Enough chatting though! I hope everybody has a safe New Year, and I look forward to all of your feedback on both stories in 2019! Thank you for reading!

The Era Without A Hero: by David Wayne Nystrom

Based on the Legend of Zelda video game series created by Shigeru Miyamoto



The crew bustled about pulling up the sails, tying down portions of the ship, and readying the small row boats that they would use to pull ashore. There was a heavy splash as the anchor dropped and the ship gradually lurched to a stop.

I emerged from my cabin and ascended the steps to the helm. I gazed out over the salty waters and cupped my hand over my eyes to see the small spec of earth piercing the waves. A small peak of gray rock jutted up from a mound of green. A few tropical trees sprang up across the island and a thin layer of coral was visible just off its coast.

“That be it Cap’in?”

“Unless our patron disagrees, I do believe it is Torvo.”

My first mate nodded to some of the other men enthusiastically. They gave a celebratory revel and continued making landing preparations.

“Do you disagree, Madame?”

The tall and thin figure standing in the corner shook her covered head. She was a wealthy and confident woman yet had kept her true identity hidden. She’d paid well enough in advance that I had no qualms about sailing into the Great Sea, yet the bounty she was seeking seemed hardly worth the dangers. I had suspicions that she was connected with the Royal Family, likely a direct descendant of those who first landed in New Hyrule. My only clues were her accent and the scarf she wore under the hood, which bore the ancient Sheikah emblem.

After giving orders to my men that were to remain on board, I descended back into my cabin and retrieved my pistol and sword. I took an extra pouch of gunpowder and stuffed it in my coat pocket before slipping my satchel over my shoulder and concealing the gun.

When I returned to the deck, the woman was seated on my personal boat, awaiting my orders for us to row ashore. I climbed in with two of my men, and they began rowing us ashore. Three more boats, each with four of five people in it, rowed along just behind us.

“I only want yourself and I to journey into the cave,” the woman said.

“My men will go into the cave with us, madame. This is part of their reward for the journey here. They didn’t leave the safety of our waters to come to this place for only a few hundred rupees.”

She paused.

“Where’d you come by all this information anyways? Doesn’t seem like the sort of treasure or knowledge an aristocrat would be interested in.” Admittedly, I was searching for more information as to her true identity.

“Shows what you know about aristocrats, Captain Grandersen,” she chuckled a little.

The island’s sand was golden and crunched firmly beneath my boots as I stepped out. The small peak of stone appeared larger now, and some of its details were distinctly more visible. AS the woman pulled her cloak to one side, she pulled a weathered old piece of leather from an elegantly crafted leather pouch. It was a map that clearly showed this strange and out of the way island.

“How long have you been holding onto that map?”

“This way,” she said, ignoring my question and taking quick strides up the grassy knoll.
As we approached the rocky peak, a heavy boulder that was about as tall as any of us rested against an alcove. She stepped up to the rock and pressed her hands against it.

“Yes, this is it.”

“What is it?” Torvo asked scratching his greasy white hair.

“Move the stone, there’s a cave behind it.”

My men looked at me in confusion, but I nodded giving my approval. They dove at the stone and began heaving hard. They pushed and pulled and tried to pry the stone away with logs and shovels, but it did not move. After a half hour or so, several men retrieved ropes from the row boats and tried to pull it away with those, but still nothing.

When they began to rest and sip from their canteens, muttered comments about it being too heavy floated out of their mouths. I looked to the woman, who was flipping through a small journal and running her fingers along the rock.

As I approached, she answered my question before it could even pass my lips.

“They used switches back then,” her regal accent was more evident due to her enthusiasm, “if we find it, the door should open with ease.”

My men resumed their attempts at opening the door, with several fanning out to search for the switch at my behest. I began digging around in the bushes and shrubs not far from the mysterious woman, when I found something under a thick layer of moss that had gathered not far from the stone.

“My lady,” I called the woman over.

The thing was an inscription. It was written in an ancient text that I had only seen used around the Tower of Spirits and Hyrule Castle back in my youth. Despite it having been decades since having to read and write in the ancient language, my teaching hadn’t worn off and I could still plainly read it.

“’Beyond here lay the words and treasures of a land erased by the Gods and preserved by Faith’,” I read aloud.

“You can read that?” She said, astonished.

“Yes, my lady. I may appear a simple privateer, but I assure you I am not a fool. It’s the language of legend, is it not?”

Her blue eyes narrowed in suspicion of me, but she set about copying the inscription down on a blank page in her journal. After copying it herself, she held the page to the stone and made a rubbing of the original writing.

“Cap’in! There’s Deku on this island, and they ain’t friendly!” One of my men shouted, stumbling away from some trees.

I looked up to the skies and saw that the sun was almost directly overhead. I gave orders to avoid the Deku and continue searching until twilight set in. If we hadn’t found a way into the cave by then, we’d return to the ship for the night, then return with some tools to fend back the living shrubs.

When dusk arrived, the woman seemed displeased with our abandoning the island until dawn. I assured her that we would double our efforts the next day, which seemed to ease her tension a little.

As I sat down to eat my dinner that evening, there as a soft knock at the door to my cabin.

“Come in,” I said, wiping the crumbs of bread from my scruffy facial hair. I promptly hopped to my feet when I saw it was the woman, “apologies my lady, I would have opened the door had I known it was you.”

She gave a soft laugh, “there is no need to apologize Captain. We’re far from Hyrule, there is no need to stand on ceremony out here. May I join you?”
I nodded and motioned to the chair on the opposite side of my table.

“A glass of wine, my lady?”

She shook her head and helped herself to a bit of turkey and a roll. She tore bits of the roll off and carefully put them into her mouth, still concealing her face.

My curiosity was overwhelming, “why do you hide your face?”

Her eyes peeked up from the shadow of her hood, “because I fear what I know.”

“And what is it that you know?”

“That the value of this treasure we seek is enough to make the greatest of men stumble. It is more valuable than any trinket of gold or silver you or your men have ever sought or dreamed of seeking. I hide my face because I know that there are men of darkness around every corner that would destroy me to obtain this treasure.”

“Why not send on of your great knights or holy servants?”

“What makes you think I command great knights or servants?”

“Your dismissal of ceremony for one. That purse you have at your side, is too well made to be from any port I’ve sailed into, and your accent betrays your capital city identity. You are no ordinary citizen, and too intelligent to be any aristocrat.”

She had stopped eating at this.

“Perhaps I have truly figured you out?”

“With all due respect, Captain,” she said rising to her feet, “you do not have the slightest idea of ceremony, nor who I am. I trust our search will resume at dawn?”

I rose to my feet and nodded, “yes, my lady.”

“I shall meet you on your boat then,” she turned and left.

I gave a small bow as she left, then sat at finished my dinner. Once I’d finished, I went to my bed and tried to sleep as best I could. I went over everything I’d seen and learned about the woman, but still her true identity evaded me.

The next morning, as I walked the deck, I found the young maiden standing near the bow staring out at the island in the morning fog. I approached her, so she would notice my being there, yet we said nothing. We stood there for a few moments before a shout from the crow’s nest above alerted us it was dawn.

“Time to go my lady,” I said softly before turning and barking orders to the crew that was making ready.

Once on shore again, everybody resumed searching as they had the day before. More prepared, they fought back the Deku and gained access to areas on the island that were previously too dangerous to search. However, the search yielded nothing new and as midday approached, we reconvened near the cave entrance.

“Can we jus’ blow ‘er up?”

“Aye! A blast from one of t’e cannons would do it!”

“Or we tie a ‘eavy line to t’e ship an’ tow ‘er away!”

Suggestions of every kind came from the men, most weren’t bad. However, many of the ideas, depending how deep it was, put the contents at risk of being damaged. If the treasure were even half as valuable as our maiden patron suggested, it was too much of a risk.

“My lady,” I began, “you must agree with my men and I when I say this past day has been fruitless. It would seem that the only way of opening this cave would be by use of a blast from the cannons. I don’t want to damage any treasure that may lay beyond it, yet I don’t know of any other way at this point.”

She stood motionless, staring at the sand around the edges of her cloak. The sound of the waves crashing on the coral reef seemed to echo in the hollowness of her silent answer. She agreed but was fighting with herself internally to find any other answer.

“Unless you have some sort of magic up your sleeve-“

“Magic! Captain!” She exclaimed, cutting me off.

“Magic?” I asked.

She sprinted over to me and pulled my sword from its scabbard on my hip. I stumbled back, and she began running up to the wall of rock next to the stone that blocked the cave entrance.

With great force, she drove the tip of my blade into the stone and suddenly the wall illuminated with a purple and pink light. The light formed a rectangle in the stone that remained even as she lowered the blade at her side. Her eyes darted from side to side across it, looking at the boulder and back to the wall.

“’Beyond here lay the words and treasures of a land erased by the Gods and preserved by Faith’,” she recited from memory.

“Preserved by Faith,” I mumbled under my breath as I stared at the illuminate block on the wall. I pressed my hand to my chin and thought hard about the words. Then I took my blade back from the woman and raised it up myself.

Pressing the tip into the stone, I drew three equal size triangles into it. One on top of the other two, so that it formed a recognizable symbol to everyone. It was the Triforce. It was the symbol of Hylian Faith.

When I stepped back, everybody paused for a moment. The image of the Triforce remained on the stone and began to shine with a golden light. It flashed so brightly, everyone had to avert their eyes for a moment. Then it faded, leaving the dark outline of the Triforce that I had traced.

The earth began to shake and rumble then. I had to brace myself against a nearby rock, as did everyone else. Some simply fell to the ground and others held onto a tree or similar rock. The woman though, held her hands out to the sides and seemed to hover off the ground a few inches.

Once I was able to pry my eyes off of her and her magic, I saw the source of the quake. The boulder, or door as it seemed to be, had begun to crack and dissolve. Bits of it crumbled and fell away, and before long it had turned into dust and gravel. Beyond the spot where it once stood, was a cave filled with darkness.

As I peered down into the black, I called for my men to bring me a torch. A moment later, the woman and I began to descend the stairs that were chiseled into the ground beyond the cavern threshold.

Our feet clicked on the cobble steps and then struck the floor. I continued to move forward, searching for a place to light the cavern up with. Then I found a large basin with some tinder resting in it. Lowering the torch carefully, I lit the bowl. As it caught fire, two lines of flame shot out in an angle, which then lit a pair of cauldrons across the cavern. Those two were then joined by one more strip of fire. All together they created a large triangle of fire which illuminated the cavern.

Our eyes adjusted to the firelight, and we could see shelves filled with books and scrolls. Suits of armor lined one wall of the cave, shields, swords, and maces as well. Chests overflowing with rupees and gold were scattered about. A thick layer of dust and cobwebs covered everything, but the shine still remained. The lady was right about treasure being here indeed.

My men cheered and began running about, grabbing as much as they could in celebration. I gave a good hearty laugh and picked up a golden chalice for myself and raised it in the air as if giving a toast to which my men cheered.

Then I noticed the woman, rummaging through the scrolls.

“My lady, we have found the treasure, that tattered paper won’t likely fetch much back in Castle Town,” I joked with her.

“You may have found your treasure Captain, however mine is far more valuable,” she said opening scroll after scroll, scanning every individual one for something.

“And what treasure would that be?” I said as I walked to the lower level under the triangle.

“A book.”

I approached a small table on the lower level in the center of the cavern. Looking around I noticed the things on this level of the cave were less treasure and more historical. There were paintings, sketches, and what appeared to be maps.

One painting showed a great hall with seven people seated at a long table. Above them was an ornate stain glass window depicting a sword, six circles, and the Triforce. These seven people were all very different. One was significantly shorter than the rest, two were blue skinned with gills, one was an owl, one wore a crown and had flowing silver blonde hair, one appeared to be made of stone, and another had their face hidden by a hood.

I continued searching the area when I returned my attention to the small table. On it were several pieces of parchment, a dried-up ink well and quill, and a candle, melted over its holder and onto the wood.

I moved aside some of the parchment and noticed a thick leather-bound book resting beneath them. The leather had a green stain to it, and on the cover was imprinted a Triforce with symbols all around it in a circle.

“My lady,” I called out, “would this be the book you’re looking for?”

She rushed over and stood at the top of the steps to see me with my hand on the cover. Slowly she approached, and I stepped back for her to look at it. Softly, her fingers touched the leather, tracing over the triangles and down its spine.

She carefully lifted her cover open and reached up to lower her scarf and blow away some of the dust. I could still not see her face, but for the first time, I saw a bit of yellow hair fall down from behind the shroud.

She began to turn the pages slowly, then reached over, grabbed the rickety looking chair and sat down. I stepped closer and looked down at the pages over her shoulder. It was written in ancient Hylian, like the inscription on the doorway outside.

“Here lies the account of the Keyfinder, and link in lineage between the world that was and the world that will be,” I read aloud.

“It seems that I picked the correct captain for this journey,” she said sitting up straight in the chair.

I stepped back and watched as her hands reached up and lowered her hood. Her hair was fine and golden. Ears pointed towards the heavens and small Triforce’s hung from each. She lowered her scarf to reveal a face I never expected to see.

I nearly stumbled backwards as I recoiled and tried to bow at the same time.


She rose and stood over me as I dropped to my hands and knees.

“Yes Captain, I am Princess Zelda.”

I was horrified. I had treated her like a higher being, but never had I even suspected she would be royalty.

“Do not fear Captain, my identity was not revealed on purpose. You were to treat me no different and you still will not, understood?” She said, replacing her hood.

“Y-y-yes your Gr-Grace.”

“Clear the cavern except for yourself and I. Tell your men to gather what they wish and return only when you give word.”

I hopped back up a level as she sat back down and promptly told the men to go back to the ship. I told them to take back whatever gold and treasure they desired, but to leave one boat and not return until I signaled.

When I returned, I found the Princess seated and the book opened to the first page. Opposite on the table, was another book, new and unmarked, with a freshly opened ink well next to it.

“We will take turns reading and writing. To start, I will read, and you can write,” the Princess said, “this book will not survive a trip across the sea back to New Hyrule, so we need to copy it, word for word, into the common tongue. Can you do it Captain?”

I nodded taking the seat opposite her. I picked up the quill and dipped it into the new ink well and readied myself to write.

“Make sure. Word for word. Every detail is imperative,” she took a deep breath and began, “‘It is the end of the Era of the Great Calamity and I fear this shall be known as the Era Without A Hero. I write this to tell account that there were heroes. Though not the Hero of Time as we had prayed for, Hyrule was not wiped out without hope. Hyrule’s bloodlines still run strong and always will. Here lies the account of the Keyfinder and the last Knights of Hyrule, the links in lineage between the world that was and the world that will be…”


I managed to get some writing done this past weekend. I’m genuinely happy with what I wrote, however it’s made me realize that there may be some character issues that I need to fix. To anybody who has read my blog for a while, this is nothing new. However the characters these issues have risen around are somewhat new. One is one who I planned to kill in the first book, then decided I needed her for book two. Another, was a major source of motivation in Eagle Down, however it wasn’t until the end that she was really seen. And finally, Ewan.

Ewan is one of my main characters, and is in fact, one of the major point-of-view characters I follow in Phoenix Launch. The issue with him has become one of his motivation and relationships. I discovered this new wrinkle in his personality as I began introducing a new race to the books, dwarves. Almost any fantasy style novel with elves and dwarves, has them as mortal enemies or at least having a strong distrust of one another. As I was writing this weekend, I may have fallen into that trap. Then I may have added the belief that Ewan believed his father was killed by dwarves.

I can’t say I’m elated that I allowed such a stereotypical flaw manifest itself in a character who I intend to become one of the greatest hero’s in the books. And considering all the bad stuff I’m about to put Ewan through, I feel even worse.

“But David, you said that you were genuinely happy with what you wrote this weekend?”

Yup. I’m happy I wrote it, I’m not happy that I turned and fell into the pit of classic fantasy elf versus dwarf. For me right now, any writing is an accomplishment because I’ve really been struggling to do it. Not because I don’t want to or anything like that, there’s just been a series of things preventing me from having my butt in the chair.

The fact that I’m discovering more about one of my central characters than I originally planned is really exciting! Especially since I just got some more feedback on Eagle Down and am getting back to editing it. Some of these wrinkles in Ewan, Ara, and Nlaea can be teased a bit in the first book with some of the edits I’m doing. Which is why I’m happy despite the trait I’m eventually going to take out. In fact, since starting this post, I’ve already discovered a way to “fix” some of the issues surrounding the scene that I did.

That’s all for now. I promised I’d get back to some posts like this where I talked about my writing process, and that’s what this was. It’s not that long I know, but I know I need to be more consistent about posting. So, that’s what this is.

Remember, the first half of my short story, Full Disclosure is available in Z Publishing’s collection, America’s Emerging Writers: An Anthology of Fiction (Volume II) and Wisconsin’s Emerging Writers: An Anthology of Fiction both for $14.99. There’s a bunch of great stories in the collections by some truly talented writers. A review mentioning my name would go a long way in helping me as a writer as well!

As always, thank you for reading!

Full of Turkey, Words not so much

First and foremost, I have some news regarding my short story, Full Disclosure and it’s national publishing! It is out and available in Volume 2 of America’s Emerging Writers: An Anthology of Fiction from Z Publishing. If you’re interested in picking up a copy, you can find it at Amazon or on Z Publishing’s website.

Anyways, here we are almost at the end of NaNoWriMo. I took a week off from the blog to focus on my writing and the Thanksgiving holiday. I got to spend some good time with my family, did a bit of reading, and of course hammered away at writing…. Okay… Maybe that last one was a lie. In fact, it’s a brazen one. It’s been about a week since I’ve touched Phoenix Launch in any way.

That’s right. Mr. NaNo over here is now Mr. NoWriMo. As in, I will not be hitting the 50k mark during this National Novel Writing Month. I had a few stumbles early in the month that put me behind where I wanted to be in my writing, and then the holidays hit. Couple that with school work that was more intensive than previous weeks and it was a recipe for disaster. That being said, I did manage just over 30k! If the word count from Eagle Down is an indicator of the length for this sequel, that puts me just shy of halfway. Not a bad start!

So that brings us to the future. December is going to be a busy month for me, what with holidays, editing, school, and this blog. I plan on making a few posts next month, but I am not going to promise much. I want to take some time and really push a few projects into their next phases. That means getting Eagle Down ready for publishing, getting Phoenix Launch into it’s second draft phase, editing the first few chapters of The Era Without A Hero for my Zelda blog, and outlining a schedule for this blog. Eagle Down is almost ready and I cannot wait to get it out there for everybody to read and begin exploring the worlds I’ve built. Once it’s done, I will be posting like crazy to promote it and get into the hands of everybody I can. The same goes for the sequel, the further along in it I am, the sooner you all can get a better idea for what I have planned.

A few months ago, I mentioned my Zelda novel that was my first completed major project. I said that in the fall of 2018, I’d be releasing chapters of that for reading over on my Zelda blog. Obviously, that hasn’t happened and that’s in large part because of the effort that I’ve been putting into the Iron Chronicles. It is still a project I care deeply about, and maybe with some time off in December, I can get that started. But with a book of over 200k words, there’s a lot of editing that has to be done. When I’m ready to publish The Era Without A Hero, I will post about it again.

The blog. There are a few things I want to do with the blog. Things that I intended to do with it but failed to continue as I got distracted. I want to bring back some of my pieces where I talked about struggles I was having along the way with my creative process. I want to share more about how my brain works when writing. Furthermore, I want to share more about writing in general. However, I want to also start talking about other subjects that are important to my creative inputs. I’m going to try and start sharing some thoughts and reviews on movies, TV shows, video games, music, and books. These will not always be brand new things, some things will be a few years (or decades even) old and just add to my creative field.

Well that wraps up this post. There will be more coming in the future, like I said. I think my next post will be a sort of look into my head like some of my earlier posts. Don’t hold me to that as I may be struck with some stroke of brilliance and come up with something more interesting instead. We shall see.

As always, thank you for reading!

The Short End

Some quick news before we get to the main post. My story, “Full Disclosure” is getting a nationwide publication! Z Publishing, who published the short story a couple months ago in a collection with other writers from Wisconsin, is putting out a collection of short stories from across the nation. Of over 2,000 stories from almost every state in the US, mine is one of 136 being selected for an anthology being released in time for the holidays! I’m very excited about this, and I look forward to sharing this with all of you when I have more details.

My last post was some encouragement for those pushing the limit of NaNoWriMo. I, fortunately, have been able to keep up with the recommended pace and crossed over the 25k-word mark halfway through the month. Of course this brought me great joy, until I realized my other projects were struggling as a result of my devotion to the book. This post is going to be some encouragement for those who’ve been struggling with their word count, while also a being a little self critical.

First of all, anybody undertaking the task of NaNoWriMo needs to take time before to get their priorities sorted. Writing takes time, it takes patience, and not it means you’re going to be in your own world longer than other people will care for. I have a full time job, a family, I’m in school, and on top of all that is where my writing career teeters precariously. As much as I want to get this book written, I have to remember those other things come first. If I start putting my book above my family, their support will eventually dwindle or they’ll feel rejected. If it comes before my job, I won’t be able to pay my bills. If you find your word count struggling, but it’s because of something that is more important, do not beat yourself up over it.

That brings me to my next topic of discussion. Your mental health is more important than your book. I cannot stress this enough, and even contemplated doing a whole post on this. If you’re struggling with your writing, don’t feel like what you’re doing is good enough, or even have issues that go beyond the world of writing, know that you are not alone and there is always help out there. I’ve struggled at various times in my life with depression and even suicidal thoughts. These were dark times in my life that I labored through with the help of a handful of amazing people. To them, I am eternally grateful. Without them, I wouldn’t be able to do the writing I am now. If your struggling, maybe writing is therapeutic for you, but putting the pressure of 50k words in 30 days isn’t. That’s okay. Your mental health is more important than your book.

Finally for those simply getting started late, having trouble coming up to the mark, or simply falling behind. It’s okay. The spirit of NaNo is about getting words written. Yes, there’s a goal. Yes, people get excited and brag about hitting milestones. But there is NO shame in having a lower word count. If you sit down and only write 100 words, that’s 100 more than you had before. That’s 100 more than Bob down the street that says, “I always wanted to write a book.” By putting words to the page, you have accomplished more than so many people. And my encouragement to you, is to keep writing. Keep going. My first book took 5 years to write. But I did it, and you can too.

Okay. I think that’s good for this topic. I do want to stress the mental health issue again real quick. If you’re struggling, if you’re hurting, please reach out to somebody. The world needs your story, but you have to be here first to tell it.

As always, thank you for reading and good luck with your writing!

NaNo – A Week In

I meant to make a post after the first couple days into NaNoWriMo and offer some inspiration. However, time got away from me and I was so busy with writing (both for NaNo and for school) that I just didn’t have time. In place of that though, I thought I’d do a recap and encouragement piece.

As of writing this, I’ve cracked the 12k word mark. I’m slightly ahead of the recommended pace, however because this part of the story is all new, I’m having difficulties with how it seems to be coming out. In fact, after the first or second night when I was done, I buried my face in a pillow and groaned because I was so dissatisfied. Much of what I have written, I will completely and totally rewrite for draft 2, much like I did with Eagle Down. That being said, I’m still trying to continue the tale. One major difference between books 1 and 2, is that I have three narratives going versus the one from book 1.

In Eagle Down, the story followed Lindsey exclusively (not including the epilogue) as she is the series protagonist and was working with the crew of the DSS Eagle and tying to get home. Phoenix Launch (Book 2), follows the group as they’re divided among various places in the universe. Lindsey and Axel are stranded and injured on a strange red planet with a seemingly dangerous android named Herald. Mike and Carol, aided by Hank and Teo’noot, are racing to Canius and Felius to prevent their annihilation at the hands of the Scarlet Flag. And Darren, Ewan, Natalie, Nlaea, and Ara are following a vision Ara had at the climax of Book 1 which showed a powerful sword that could stop Maston. Each of these parts of the story do connect, however it isn’t until the end that they come together. As I’m writing, I am trying to solve which perspective works best for the story. So far, Lindsey makes the most sense for her arc, while Mike seems to be strongest for theirs. The biggest challenge has comes in that third group.

Ewan was who I intended to stick with, as Book 2 was intended to get deep into his past with the intent of developing his conflict and character alongside Maston. The prologue is even a flashback and summary of his life prior to the story in Book 1. As I get further into this NaNo draft though, I am wanting to explore Nlaea’s perspective, Natalie’s perspective, and to some extent Darren’s. If I were to indulge all those threads, it would accumulate to 6 individual characters that the story is being told through, nearly double what I figured.

This brings me to my encouragement section. Perhaps a strange transition, but it’ll make sense I promise. I called this version of Phoenix Launch, my NaNo draft as opposed to a first draft. That’s because NaNoWriMo is not about creating the perfect draft. It’s about getting 50,000 words from your mind to the page. I almost entirely rewrote Eagle Down after I finished the NaNo draft last year because it was messy, unfocused, and littered with references to the places I drew inspiration from. First drafts are messy, but a NaNo draft is going to be even worse. The emphasis on getting your words down at a set pace is going to mean you sacrifice some quality, no matter how brilliant you may or may not be. The real hope, is that when you hit that 50k mark, is that you have a solid enough understanding of your story, that over the following months you can revisit it and refine it down to make the story you want.

So if you’ve got a dozen characters, and half of them get their own perspective during your NaNo draft, it’s okay! When you go back, you might realize that your telepathic magic space princess is more interesting than the orphaned and abandoned captain who’s searching for redemption. When you revise, you will have a better picture of your characters and story. But in the month of November, it’s simply about writing. Doesn’t matter who, what, where, when, why, or how. Just write.

That’s my thoughts on NaNoWriMo, a week in. I will try to be more timely with my next post and provide those who are struggling with their word counts some comfort as well.

In a quick news update, the cover for Eagle Down is complete! My friend Jessica has done a tremendous job with it, blending my imagination with the elements of my story to come up with a great piece that will grace the cover of Book 1 at its release. After NaNoWriMo ends, I’ll get back to editing Book 1 and we should be on pace to see its Q1/Q2 release in 2019!

As always, thank you for reading!